MIM工藝技術/ MIM technology
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金屬注射成形(Metal Injection Molding,簡稱MIM)是一種從塑料注射成形行業中引伸出來的新型粉末冶金近凈成形技術,眾所周知,塑料注射成形技術低廉的價格生產各種復雜形狀的制品,但塑料制品強度不高,為了改善其性能,可以在塑料中添加金屬或陶瓷粉末以得到強度較高、耐磨性好的制品。近年來,這一想法已發展演變為最大限度地提高固體粒子的含量并且在隨后的燒結過程中完全除去粘結劑并使成形坯致密化。這種新的粉末冶金成形方法稱為金屬注射成形。
Metal injection molding(MIM) is a new kind of powder metallurgy near-net forming technology which is introduced from the plastic injection molding industry. It is well know that plastic injection molding technology produces various complicated shapes products at a low price. But the strength of these plastic products is not high. In order to improve its performance, the metal or ceramic powder could be added to the plastic to obtain the products with high strength and good wear resistance. In recent years, this idea has evolved to maximize the content of solid particles and completely remove the binder and densify the preform during subsequent sintering. This new powder forming process is called metal injection molding.
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